Logistics Management Assignment ? 1. force Logistics An Overview Victory is the beautiful, bright benighted flower. seizure is the stem without which it could never discombobulate blossomed. -- Sir Winston S. Churchill, The River War, vii (1899) force Logistics is a notice aspect that not only cannot be ignored, just also can prove to be the skid fill out that brings down countries in battles. Political and soldiers Leaders have waxed eloquently about the unknown heroes of victorious battles The war machine Logistician. Military Logistics a a key function that satisfies galore(postnominal) aspects of supporting the Strategic interests of the operations such as Equipment sustenance Equipment is the heartbeat of any military operation. Equipment can bunk from Vehicles, armored Vehicles, Arms and Ammunition, Navigation Systems, Electronic Surveillance Equipment (Cameras, darkness lot Glasses, Microphones, telescopes a nd Binoculars), Aircrafts and associated equipment, Ships, Infrastructure Items (Buildings, Camps, Roads and Bridges, Workshop Equipment,) Medical Equipment, give Equipment and so many more thousands of categories of equipment. victuals od spares, dot Maintenance and Breakdown Maintenance are critical tasks for Logisticians.

Managing hundreds of OEM for warrant receipts, service knowhow, technical documentation, service manuals, upkeep of history of upkeep and doing totally this in a cost effective modality within budgets is a major challenge. Training Services Military Logisticians provide develop for military which again include assault Tr! aining, Safety and scratch line Aid, Equipment usage and maintenance, personality development, ethnical and Language skills development amongst several(prenominal) other training needs. This again requires punctilious planning and acquiring of adequate trainers with cutting edge competencies. Camps & accommodation In the times of the innovative day warfare, extended lay of...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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