
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Herzberg Two Factor Theory

Maslows need theory has practical point of accumulationations in translating needs into something operational, since the criteria for lusty social needs differ from individual to individual. Frederick Herzberg developed a two-factor theory to provide some direction for managers in resolving motivational problems. He derived to this conclusion by a survey he ran back in 1959, in which he asked engineers to describe events that led to such feelings of satisfaction to the highest degree their work and events that led to dissatisfaction.In this theory, Herzberg distinguished between two diametric types of factors, those who can give an individual the feeling of satisfaction which he called need factors and those that can give him the feeling of dissatisfaction which he called hygiene factors. Hygiene factors take technical supervision, interpersonal relationship with peers, salary, working trains, status, company policy, job certification and interpersonal relations with superio rs. All of these factors ar job contextual and likewise include maintenance factors.These are considered extrinsic, as they are out of the limit of work and employees. Hygiene factors are satisfiers to the extent that they produce dissatisfaction if absent, but at a time satisfied the effect soon disappear satisfaction is temporary. However, they are non motivators for better performance. Motivating factors relate to job content and are touch with increased satisfaction and the desire to work harder. This factors provides satisfaction and motivates towards more hunting expedition and better performance, their absence does not produce dissatisfaction.Some of the motivating factors are advancement, the work itself, recognition, and the possibility of growth. Herzbergs theory can be applied to better understand the problem of high staff turnover. In this scenario, hygiene factors are salary (dissatisfaction on salary), security (safety risk), work condition (outdoor job), superv ision (lack of support from counsel), personal life (own attitude introverts) and relationship with peers (influence by bad attitude colleagues).Motivators are personal growth and recognition (demoted staff) and responsibleness (autocratic leadership). Hence, Herzbergs theory can be applied by management of the organisation to better motivate their staff. Various job enrichment techniques can be implemented, for example removal of controls, increase in accountability, participation in finality making, introduction of new tasks and the granting of additional authority. Management can focus on motivation through rewards that linked to performance and equitable.

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